Instructor: Cindy Royal
June 6-10
Zoom June 10, 1-5pm CT
In this module, we’ll discuss the role of digital products and platforms in media and issues associated with developing a curriculum based on these concepts.
- Understand the ways that technology is affecting media
- Describe how digital platforms and products can influence curriculum
- Become introduced to design thinking techniques that will be explored in the in-person workshop
- Analyze your own teaching competencies and the curriculum in your program
Please watch the videos and review the links. I know there’s a lot of material to digest here, so peruse as much as you can and bookmark as a resource for the future.
Read and Watch Before our Zoom Meeting
Instructor Videos
The following videos are a presentation entitled Is Your Curriculum Digital Enough? This presentation introduces the range of concepts in the digital environment and provides a means for assessment.
Jobs for Digital Media Grads
Products and Platforms
- The State of the News Product Community 2022
- The News Product Community piece was reconfigured into this piece in Journalism Studies, From Boundary to Bridge and Beyond: The Path to Professionalization of Product Roles in Journalism, Royal & Kiesow, 2021. Find on our Slack.
- Product Management in Journalism and Academia, JMCQ, Fall 2020. Find on our Slack.
- All These Products Aren’t Going to Manage Themselves, Nieman Journalism Lab, Royal 2021
- Product Management is the New Journalism, Nieman Journalism Lab, Royal 2015
- Begun, the Platform War Has, Nieman Journalism Lab, Herman 2015
- Managing Digital Products in a Newsroom Context, #ISOJ, Royal 2017
- Seven Reflections on SRCCON: Product, Rich Gordon, 2020 – a conference dedicated to introducing product concepts in journalism
- Best Practices for Product Managers in News Organizations, American Press Institute, 2017
- What Journalists Need to Know About Product Thinking in 2022, Journalism.co.uk, June 2022
- News Product Alliance – professional community for news product professionals, launched in 2020.
Curriculum Issues
- A Qualitative Look at Journalism Programs in Flux: The Role of Faculty in the Movement Toward a Digital Curriculum, Amanda Bright, Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication, 2018; Amanda was a 2018 PhDigital Fellow.
- Redefining Doctoral Education: Preparing Future Faculty to Lead Emerging Media Curriculum, Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication, 2019
- Your Journalism Curriculum is Obsolete, Nieman Journalism Lab, Royal 2017
- For Journalism Curriculum to Change, It’s Faculty Needs Disruption, Nieman Journalism Lab, Royal 2018
- Prepare Media Students for Skills, Not Job Titles, Nieman Journalism Lab, Royal 2019
- Are Journalism Schools Teaching Their Students the Right Skills, Nieman Journalism Lab, Royal 2014
Design Thinking
Just FYI, here are some articles I have written about the new DMI degree at TXST.
- Developing a New Major in Digital Media Innovation at Texas State
- Why Texas State’s Digital Media Degree is Attracting Female Students
- Digital Media Innovation Survey of Graduates 2016-2021
Slack Discussion Before Zoom Session
I’ve introduced you to a lot of resources that are meant to generate new ways of thinking about media and how we teach it. Look at the Digital Curriculum Inventory. What areas do you feel proficient? Which of these areas would you like to move into? How is your program (where you are getting your phd or where you now work) doing in these areas? To answer these questions, review and comment on at least two (or more) of the #facultyjobs and #curriculumissues Slack posts from last week. Use the Reply in Thread icon to reply to a post.
Zoom Session, June 10, 1-5pm CT
We have spent a lot of time describing and justifying the need for product management in journalism and product-focused curriculum. But what might that look like in your program? In this module, you will get a chance to confer with other fellows on your priorities, needs and desires for curriculum innovation.
- Review of Product Management and Design Thinking Concepts
- Design Thinking About Curriculum Exercise
- Guest Speaker – Sean Smith, Associate Product Manager, Gannett
- What is User Experience Design and How Does It Relate to Product and Design Thinking?
- Final Curriculum Project Assignment
Curriculum Prototype Exercise – one person post pdf of the design thinking exercise to the #curriculumprototype Slack channel and discuss. Comment in thread on your own group’s curriculum, but feel free to review and comment on others.
- How is this different than curriculum that you are familiar with?
- What needs to change, what needs to go? What would prevent this from happening? What are risks if it doesn’t?
After each module, you will be asked to do an evaluation. Go to the link for the PhDigital 2022 Zoom Modules Evaluation and select the module you are reviewing. Please do this as soon as you can after the Zoom session.
Moving Ahead: next week’s topic is Data Journalism with Kelly Kaufhold and Amber Hinsley.
Final Curriculum Project Assignment
This will be submitted at the end of the program: What is your dream course, program or degree? Create an outline for a proposed course, program or degree, including mission, objectives and topics outline. This can be for an undergraduate or graduate program (or even a new doctoral program!), a minor or concentration, whatever you think is necessary in your current environment, future employment home or the discipline at large. As you go through the workshop, consider the elements that you will include in this course or program. You will post in a final Slack channel during the final week of the program.
Additional Resources
If you would like to learn about the Figma prototyping tool, here is a tutorial I did for my DMI Capstone students. Figma is a web-based tool that allows for interactive prototyping across platforms with collaboration. It is free for students and educators.
Able, Allowed, Should: Navigating Modern Ethics, Medium, 2018 – this article addresses some of what we have discussed about infusing engineering and product management with journalistic ethics and sensibilities, as it relates to Facebook’s privacy issues.
Product Teams Have Taken National News Organizations by Storm. What’s Happening Locally? Nieman Journalism Lab, 2019
Product Management for Journalists, chapter in Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Why Product Management is the New Pivotal Role at Publishers, Digiday, 2018
The Difference Between UX and UI Design – A Beginner’s Guide – Career Foundry
What Does a UX Designer Actually Do? – Career Foundry
What is UX Design? – UserTesting